Primary Years
The Primary Curriculum lays the fundamentals of the various areas of learning. It builds skills and fosters understanding of oneself and the community. The subjects offered keeps in mind the importance of allowing the child to experience and work with different areas of learning in order to have a range of exposure and understanding.
The years 1 through 5 catering to the age group of 6 years to 10 years, forms our Primary Programme. The focus of these years is towards building strong foundation and also developing skills and wider understanding. The development of independent learning and critical thinking skills, exploration and querying, responsibility and confidence in oneself, are of primary importance during these foundation years of life. One question that would arise in every parent’s mind would be how do we assess the child? We have a very comprehensive assessment programme at Pramiti and for years 1 to 4, the primary assessment is formative in nature. Assessment happens on a daily basis and periodically to ensure children have understood the concepts and are also able to apply them specifically and also by generalising in various different situations across multiple areas of learning. The assessments at Pramiti are to also assess the effectiveness of our methodology, plans and learning.
Year five becomes our checkpoint. Checkpoint is an opportunity for us to consolidate our observations from grades 1 to 5 and observe how the child has grown over years and also create a predictive summary of how the child would grow in future given the same efforts and how the child can make an improvement; what changes would be needed to be made and what support offered to the child.
The curriculum provides opportunities to explore one’s curiosity, creativity, analytical skills, problem solving skills and an awareness of oneself and the surroundings.
Language is an essential instrument for an individual to communicate, understand and be understood. The language curriculum in our primary years facilitates acquisition of effective reading, writing, listening and speaking skills across various contexts and media. Acquisition of spoken language is most necessary as the other skills are indirectly dependent on this.
In the primary years, we offer English, Hindi and Kannada, where the vernacular languages are introduced to ensure the children have a functioning knowledge of the same. This would enable them to communicate in the language effectively.
The curriculum builds a deeper understanding of the language through phonics, spelling and vocabulary enrichment as well as an understanding of grammar and punctuation. The appreciation of differences in language usage between reading and writing forms is also built into the curriculum. The primary years is when we focus on building and ensuring proficiency in the rudiments of the language and essential concepts. The curriculum is designed to ensure children enjoy the process of learning and at the same time are strong in the fundamentals. The focus is on concepts and not on texts.
Computational Sciences
The various categories in Mathematics like Arithmetic, Geometry, Algebra and Statistics are interwoven to enable the children understand and appreciate a comprehensive range of mathematical principles, equations, functions, relationships and techniques.
The student learns by exploration that is focused, in-depth and by applying the concepts to solve mathematical problems as well as developing approaches to problems with no clear-cut solution. Students also get an understanding of data handling, problem solving and critical reasoning skills in the process.
Computational thinking is introduced as part of Computer Science in grades 4 and 5. Children engage in solving problems that need them to draw from the foundation and apply it in various scenarios.
Natural Sciences
The curriculum is an integration of concepts in Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Environmental Sciences. The science process skills that are introduced and nurtured in the early years find more organised and conceptual focus now. The usage and understanding of scientific vocabulary are given importance. An understanding of why must use scientific vocabulary is something that is developed right from year 1 and by the time the children reach year 6, they are confident in using the terms appropriately. The child is introduced to concepts through materials, experiments, experiences, projects and interactions. Field trips form an important medium of learning in this area. We also encourage and arrange for talks, interactive sessions with scientists and naturalists to help children explore the possibilities and thus extend the horizon of learning. The formal learning process enables the child to develop skills of making estimates, assumptions, supporting arguments and drawing inferences while allowing them the time and space to question and build their curiosity.
Environmental Sciences is also treated as part of the science curriculum and in this category, learning happens by spending time with nature and understanding the various aspects of nature. The idea of conservation of resources is built as part of their daily lives in school by bringing the consciousness in terms of what they eat, food wastage, what they grow, what they use on a daily basis and also what they observe around them. Travelling and exploring form important tools of the curriculum.
In the primary years, this area of study comprises of History and Geography. History is the study of the past and in the primary years, children will engage with concepts like timelines It gives children the opportunity to understand the globe – the physical and political aspects, the universe and its components. The children engage in cosmic education where they understand interdependence and the contribution of every element in nature towards maintaining the balance in the universe. The curriculum also gives children an understanding about one’s nation, the world, the timeline of events and the work of various leaders and about governing bodies.
Art Immersion
At Pramiti, Arts and Culture are integrated into the main curriculum. The offerings in this area will span across Music, Dance, Theatre, Art and Craft. The objective of the curriculum is to provide exposure to all areas to kindle interest and appreciation for the various forms in this age group.
Art is treated as a form of expression. True expression happens when an individual has the freedom to explore, think and translate his imagination to ultimately create. The process of exploration is the learning experience. The child also develops an eye for detail and observation to critically appreciate one’s own work and thus sculpt it to his satisfaction.
During the Primary Years, our focus is on exposing the children to various languages of artistic expression such as music, dance, craft practices and techniques and theatre through the “Crafts and Creative Development” and “Music & Dance” programmes. Engagement with these courses builds the necessary vocabulary to begin on the pathway to limitless expression.
Music is the essence of life and we absorb it sub-consciously from nature as well. The exposure to various forms of music is a way to unleash the unconscious absorption that happens with all of us. Drama and dance make way for a whole new level of creative expression where the child gets to experiment and express a wide range of emotions, feelings, ideas and body movements. Besides, Art forms transcend boundaries and allow the child to appreciate different cultures and traditions.
Health, Nutrition and Fitness
Physical Education is an integral part of our curriculum at all ages. Children are introduced to a variety of different games and sport activities during the lower elementary years. In later grades, they can pick up a particular sport in which they are interested and work towards building specialised skills in this area.
Sports is more than just for physical fitness and good health. Regular physical activity promotes development of the brain, emotional well-being and keeps the mind alert. Playing a sport builds camaraderie, rapport and team work. It also fosters the spirit of fair and just participation and an appreciation for the joy of participating actively as opposed to winning or losing. These are skills which one can carry forward all through life and benefit from immeasurably.
Self and Community
Co-existence and collaboration are one the bedrocks of our program. The child learns to work independently and, in a group, understand relationships and appreciate the togetherness and dynamics in a community. In the process, the child understands various aspects of communication, presentation and positive interaction.
The child gets exposure in the form of projects, field trips, work experience trips and work periods. Children work with people from various strata of society and understand the dynamics of communal living and also experience dignity of labour.
The curriculum of the primary programme at Pramiti spreads over a wide spectrum and each area is linked to the other in many ways and learning happens in a well-blended manner. The children after experiencing more focused work and formal learning process in the upper elementary programme transition into yet another vulnerable and transforming stage of life – the Intermediary Years.